You know that moment when you're driving along in the car, listening to a really good song, and you feel like part of the band even though you probably couldn't be more off-key? This is my everyday life. Add in a singing 6 year old who i'm fairly certain has no idea how loud she's actually singing, and this is my ACTUAL everyday life. Listening to her belt out the lyrics to some of my favorite songs makes me more happy than you can even imagine. Listening to her belt out the WRONG lyrics to some of my favorite songs makes me laugh so hard I can't breathe and probably shouldn't continue driving. We had one of those moments today when she told me she really liked Daft Punks new song 'Mexican Lucky'. I had to explain to her that they actually say 'I'm up all night to get lucky', and then immediately regretted and wished I had said 'oh yes, I too enjoy the catchiness of Mexican Lucky'.
It's not only songs though. Kids mishear so many things, and just fill in the blank. B came home from school one time and thought that the school lunch was 'chicken high eetahs'. Close, but not quite. At least that time she knew she was probably wrong about it, since she threw in a 'or whatever it's called' afterwards.
I personally love when she has no idea what she's saying is wrong. Makes me remember how little she really is, even if she does act like a grownup most of the time. I love watching her brain work.
B: Anya goes to gynastics. I think the place is called 'Gym Gynastics'
Me: HAH! Like Spongebob's Campfire Song Song! I think maybe it's called something else.
B: I don't get why it's funny.
Me: Because you said Gym Gymnastics. Gym twice, then nastics.
B: Huh. All this time I thought it was GYNastics, and it's GYMnastics.
Of course she still calls it gynastics, but what can you do. She's 6, she's allowed. But I'm 27, and i'll tell you this, I'll never be able to sing the chorus of 'Get Lucky' ever again without thinking about how lucky Mexican Lucky actually is.