Hearing a child sing Happy Birthday is one of those things that can melt anyone's heart, especially when the child is around preschool age and still figuring out how to say 'Birthday' and not 'Birfday'. That's when you sing nice and soft so you can listen to the sweet baby angel sing her song. It's when the child gets a bit older and no longer sings the correct words that you need to start singing like there's a tractor trailer parade rolling down your street and the drivers are continuously honking their horns. No, I don't want to hear how I 'smell like a monkey' or how I 'look like one too'.
And then it gets worse. The plain, straight up REFUSAL of Happy Birthday. For those of you that know Brianna, you know that girlfriend is all about being the center of attention. How could she ever hate people singing to her?!? She doesn't. She sits there with that smug look on her face like 'YES, MY MINIONS. SING TO ME'. But, when it comes to trying to get her to sing it to someone else, forget it. No one else needs to be worshiped besides her.
Just a few days ago my lovely cousin Kim celebrated her birthday. I knew we weren't going to see her, so I thought I could get Brianna to sing her a quick Happy Birthday while I recorded it on my phone. Singing? Dancing? Being recorded? Should have been a piece of cake since that is all that ever goes on in this house (well, except for that recording thing. We don't have cameras rolling all the time. Although, we probably should because we'd make television GOLD. Anyways, back to my story.). So I go ahead and bring it up to B.
Me: Let's make a video for Kim's birthday!
B: Eh, I don't want to unless you're in it.
Me: I'll sing with you, but I don't want to be in it. I'm in my pajamas and I don't look very pretty.
B: I don't either.
Me: What! You always look pretty.
B: Nooo. I don't want to be in it either. I ALWAYS look pretty.
B: Eh, I don't want to unless you're in it.
Me: I'll sing with you, but I don't want to be in it. I'm in my pajamas and I don't look very pretty.
B: I don't either.
Me: What! You always look pretty.
B: Nooo. I don't want to be in it either. I ALWAYS look pretty.
This was followed by a solid two minutes of laughter and giggles. She kept telling me she thought it was hilarious how *I* thought that *she* thought she didn't look pretty. Then she still refused to make the video. Ah, yes. Not only conceited, but also stubborn. Just like her Daddy. :P