Monday, September 9, 2013


Hearing a child sing Happy Birthday is one of those things that can melt anyone's heart, especially when the child is around preschool age and still figuring out how to say 'Birthday' and not 'Birfday'. That's when you sing nice and soft so you can listen to the sweet baby angel sing her song. It's when the child gets a bit older and no longer sings the correct words that you need to start singing like there's a tractor trailer parade rolling down your street and the drivers are continuously honking their horns. No, I don't want to hear how I 'smell like a monkey' or how I 'look like one too'. 

And then it gets worse. The plain, straight up REFUSAL of Happy Birthday. For those of you that know Brianna, you know that girlfriend is all about being the center of attention. How could she ever hate people singing to her?!? She doesn't. She sits there with that smug look on her face like 'YES, MY MINIONS. SING TO ME'. But, when it comes to trying to get her to sing it to someone else, forget it. No one else needs to be worshiped besides her.

Just a few days ago my lovely cousin Kim celebrated her birthday. I knew we weren't going to see her, so I thought I could get Brianna to sing her a quick Happy Birthday while I recorded it on my phone. Singing? Dancing? Being recorded? Should have been a piece of cake since that is all that ever goes on in this house (well, except for that recording thing. We don't have cameras rolling all the time. Although, we probably should because we'd make television GOLD. Anyways, back to my story.). So I go ahead and bring it up to B. 

Me: Let's make a video for Kim's birthday!
B: Eh, I don't want to unless you're in it. 
Me: I'll sing with you, but I don't want to be in it. I'm in my pajamas and I don't look very pretty. 
B: I don't either. 
Me: What! You always look pretty. 
B: Nooo. I don't want to be in it either. I ALWAYS look pretty. 

This was followed by a solid two minutes of laughter and giggles. She kept telling me she thought it was hilarious how *I* thought that *she* thought she didn't look pretty. Then she still refused to make the video. Ah, yes. Not only conceited, but also stubborn. Just like her Daddy. :P

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Why Can't You Just Let a Girl Enjoy Her Childhood?

Hoarders. Clutterers. Pack rats. Okay, so we're not quite THAT bad, but this family certainly likes to hold on to lots of things that shouldn't be held on to. Every time I finally purge all the school papers, cable wires, broken crayons, and old arts and crafts supplies, it is almost a guarantee that I will need at least two things from that toss pile within a week. Never fails. But that sweet, SWEET, in between time of no mess is so gorgeous that it's totally worth the frustration. Then there's the 'Just In Case' pile.

 You know, the pile of things that you stack up while cleaning that completely tower over the 'Toss' pile. It's full of junk that you can easily replace, usually even for free. Paper bags from grocery shopping. Paper flyers from the mail. Massive amounts of stickers from birthday party loot bags. We're total arts and crafts junkies, and Brianna loves that stuff. She's actually painting as I type this and just started hysterically laughing.

Me: What's so funny?
B: THIS PAPER! Look at it!
Me: What does it say?
B: It's from St. Patrick's Day! WHAT!
Me: Wait, did you look at the date at the top?
B: Where?
Me: Right there. Where it says 2011.

This is a problem. Why would you ever need a store flyer from March 2011? I mean, it makes for good table lining (because let's be real; No 6 year old is going to paint JUST on the paper. It wouldn't be a masterpiece if they didn't get all the edges), but I could easily recycle that and just replace when needed. Two years is way too long to keep that stuff.

And the paint! Oh, God, the PAINT! I need to seriously start going through the art bin. I'm fairly certain that some of it is probably from forever ago and crusted to the sides. B's using a cheapy watercolor set right now, but only because we're inside and I denied her the good stuff. The art addict in her just freaked out on me, but no way is she using that in the house, especially on my Mom's table. I did get this lovely argument out of it though.

B: Why can't you just let a girl enjoy her childhood?
Me: What? Brianna, those paints are for outside only. Right now we're inside.
B: Can we move this party outside then?
Me: No, we cannot 'move this party outside'.

I tried so hard to be serious, but, as mentioned in a previous blog, sometimes you just can't. Like the time she asked me very seriously if we had fabric.

B: Do we have any fabric?
Me: No, we don't.
B: *loud annoyed sigh*
Me: Why do you need fabric?
B: Because I was going to make curtains.
Me: Oh. Well you're out of luck, sorry.
B: *sigh* Okay.

And that, ladies and gentleman, is why I should never throw anything away.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Mexican Lucky? You'll never unhear it.

You know that moment when you're driving along in the car, listening to a really good song, and you feel like part of the band even though you probably couldn't be more off-key? This is my everyday life. Add in a singing 6 year old who i'm fairly certain has no idea how loud she's actually singing, and this is my ACTUAL everyday life. Listening to her belt out the lyrics to some of my favorite songs makes me more happy than you can even imagine. Listening to her belt out the WRONG lyrics to some of my favorite songs makes me laugh so hard I can't breathe and probably shouldn't continue driving. We had one of those moments today when she told me she really liked Daft Punks new song 'Mexican Lucky'. I had to explain to her that they actually say 'I'm up all night to get lucky', and then immediately regretted and wished I had said 'oh yes, I too enjoy the catchiness of Mexican Lucky'.

It's not only songs though. Kids mishear so many things, and just fill in the blank. B came home from school one time and thought that the school lunch was 'chicken high eetahs'. Close, but not quite. At least that time she knew she was probably wrong about it, since she threw in a 'or whatever it's called' afterwards.

I personally love when she has no idea what she's saying is wrong. Makes me remember how little she really is, even if she does act like a grownup most of the time. I love watching her brain work.

 B: Anya goes to gynastics. I think the place is called 'Gym Gynastics'
Me: HAH! Like Spongebob's Campfire Song Song! I think maybe it's called something else.
B: I don't get why it's funny.
Me: Because you said Gym Gymnastics. Gym twice, then nastics.
B: Huh. All this time I thought it was GYNastics, and it's GYMnastics.

Of course she still calls it gynastics, but what can you do. She's 6, she's allowed. But I'm 27, and i'll tell you this, I'll never be able to sing the chorus of 'Get Lucky' ever again without thinking about how lucky Mexican Lucky actually is.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Thank You For Being a Friend

Ahh, so many things to write! As most of you lovely readers have realized, I haven't posted in what seems like forever (let's be realistic, it's only been about 5 months. Stop being dramatic.). SO, since it's been that long I have so much tell you all that I can't fit it in just one blog. Let's just start off with a throw back to my childhood.

Growing up I had the pleasure of spending my afternoons playing with a plethora of toys, and spending my Friday nights with the Tanners, and (later on) Cory Matthews. Saturday mornings I woke up early to draw with Captain Bob, and then drew chalk masterpieces and played Skip-It. Well, more like cheated by doing one skip backwards and and proudly displaying the Skip-It counter at 999 (don't act like you didn't do this).

Quite recently I've introduced a lot of these things to Brianna, and by introduced I mean we've literally sat in front of the television watching early 90's commercials and shows for hours. While she's taken a strong liking to Double Dare, and Legends of the Hidden Temple (AS SHE SHOULD), she's a bit confused on the commercials. I mean, she gets that they aired when I was a child. She understands that that means they're dinosaur ancient. But for some reason she never stops asking "Mommy! Can you buy that toy for my birthday?!?!". And even when I follow it up with a quick 'Sorry, they don't make that anymore', it's always followed by one word. Why. WHY. I think this might be the one word I hate the most. By the time I start to answer her question, we've already moved on to the next commercial, which is most likely a food item that was discontinued by the time I was 7. Now I owe her a bunch of PB Crisps, Magic Middles, and Amazing Fruit, and even worse, now I feel like crying because I remember how delicious they were and I can NEVER HAVE THEM AGAIN. Why are we watching this again?

Oh yes. Because all of it is amazing.

Even now, at 27, I still watch every episode of Golden Girls that plays on tv. It's absolutely one of my favorite shows. Lately Brianna has been interested in it, and looked pretty confused. I knew what question was coming. It was a question that probably all of us had when we were younger.

B: Mommy, is that a man dressed up as a woman?

She was talking about Bea Arthur. I was trying to contain my laughter.

Me: No, that's really a woman.
B: Oh. Because she sounds like the Mom from Hairspray.

Now, if you haven't seen Hairspray then you're probably not privy to the fact the JOHN TRAVOLTA plays the Mom. Yes. John Travolta.

Not related.

Once that was entirely taken care of and Brianna understood that Bea Arthur was, in fact, a woman (and that I was really, REALLY, certain), we finished the episode and went about our business. I'm fairly certain that she didn't believe me and thinks that Dorothy was played by a fashionable crossdresser. 

Since her 90's overload introduction, Mr. Feeny now gives Brianna a lesson before she goes to school, and at night she falls asleep to the sweet sound of Jesse and the Rippers. She is the proud owner of a Skip-It (OKAY, It;s a generic one, but whatever), and spends most of her afternoons drawing masterpieces. I've done it. I've successfully created a perfect replica of myself.

Well, not exactly.

You see, Brianna is, well, Brianna. She's silly, and clumsy, and is often hurting herself in the process of whatever she is doing. She thinks she's paying attention to things, but I'm pretty sure her mind is already on what she's going to be doing next. Which is all fine and dandy, unless you're doing Skip-It. There are not enough fingers on both of my hands to count how many Skip-It related accidents we've had at the Conway household. She loves the thing, but I cringe every time I see it.


Even though she loves being outside, she's a pretty big fan of electronics. It's so crazy to see children nowadays glued to ipads, ipods, kindles and xbox's, and realize that everything we use to play with is now contained on one single device. I realized the other day just how much actual toys are being forgotten when I showed Brianna this picture:

To you and me, this looks like that little game that we would spend hours playing because that one freaking ring would not get on the post, and then throw in a fit of rage. To Brianna this looked so foreign that she responded to it with asking me "Do you play it on a device?". Head. Desk. I was baffled. I can't even begin to imagine what it will be like when she has kids. The devices will probably be inside their heads. Hah.

All in all I feel pretty good about the 90's teaching my child how to play with toys, and all those life lessons she's learning. I can sleep soundly knowing that she'll never read a 'buy now, pay later' sign and accidentally steal a sweater, or think that caffeine pills are the way to get some serious studying done. Let's just hope she doesn't start dressing the part.