Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Zombies, Naked Barbies, and Stubby legs

Imagination is an amazing thing. Children use it everyday to pretend they're flying in a spaceship, saving princesses from dragons, or even a famous chef cooking up some plastic onions with a side of pickles. That's the great thing about imagination with little ones; they believe it and it becomes true.

Sometimes, their imaginations might be swayed by a ridiculous story that maybe their Aunt might have told them.

Kristen: Brianna, what happens at 6pm?
Brianna: The zombies are coming!
Kristen: And what are they gonna do?
Brianna: They're gonna SUCK MY BRAINS OUT! *Hysterical laughter*
Me: Is that a true story, or a fake one?
Brianna: *giggles* It's a faaaaake one.

Other times it's in the form of a made up song. 

"I'm a T-REX SAURUS! I'm a T-REX SAURUS! And I'm so prouuuuuud. I'm so very prooouuuuuuudddddd!". 

And more often than not, it simply just has to do with toys. 

Me: How come there's a naked Barbie riding a scooter in your room? Isn't she cold on her ride?
B: It was a hot, hot, day.

There are also those times that Brianna's imagination comes into play when she's a bit angry with me. Instead of telling me that she hates me and over-dramatically slamming her door shut (like any normal child would do), she gets me back by making these tiny stabs at me. At this point i'm so amazed with how smart and well planned she is, that I don't even have a comeback.

Me: Aww, you drew a picture at school about our Maine vacation?!
B: Yep! I did!
Me: It's a really awesome picture, but why did you draw a picture of you at the park?
B: Because I love parks.
Me: But we didn't go to a park on vacation.
B: Yeah, but it was the only thing I WANTED to do on vacation. And we didn't even do it. So I drew a picture of what it would have been like.

And my favorite use of imagination? The crazy made up stuff that she just starts talking about randomly.

B: What do YOU wish you had that someone else has?
Me: I wish I had shorter legs.
B: You could just cut them off, and then cut a short persons legs off, and you both could TRADE!
Me: Uhm, it doesn't work like that, babe.
B: Okay, well then just snip yours off with some scissors and walk around without your legs.
Me: Like, on stubs?
B: Yeah. I think that would look fine.

 Thank God we don't lose our imaginations when we grow up. I'd much rather imagine myself shorter than take a swift chop to the knee.

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